Alchemy Academy is a transformative day-long event hosted by Amityville Apothecary, designed to ignite your spirit and expand your magical practice. Join us for an in-person immersive experience featuring live rituals, hands-on workshops, and exclusive sessions led by world-renowned teachers and authors. Explore an enchanting onsite bookstore filled with carefully curated treasures to deepen your spiritual journey. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just beginning to walk the path, Alchemy Academy offers a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and transform in a vibrant community of like-minded seekers.

Alchemy Academy

Welcome to Amityville Apothecary's

Don’t Miss Out on the Magick

Get Your Ticket to Alchemy Academy!

Dive Into the Mystical



what our community is saying...

“I have been feeling such a disconnect with everything and everyone around me. Something was missing. I came across a posting for this event and something inside me said ‘do it’. I am so very glad I attended because it helped me realize what was causing me to feel so separated from self. I was missing my spiritual self, my path, my journey. Since attending, I feel my connection with spirit again. A connection that was lost for a long time.”


"The deeper your willing to explore and unearth within all your joys, pains and daydreams helps to spark the magic that’s within you and all around you. Never stop exploring. Never stop dreaming."


"So for the feedback, I mean what else can I say other then, and you know, I will be back. I do feel like I found a tribe I want to vibe and grow with.... feels good. Dani and Dina's passions and sense of humor with the pure love of life attracts ALL of us ... They inspire us to not stop, dream bigger always and keep motivating us on our spiritual journey. I was so excited I was invited and couldn't wait to sit across from my gurus and laugh and laugh!"


"Attending Alchemy Academy was a life-changing experience. The teachers were incredibly knowledgeable, and the hands-on rituals helped me deepen my practice in ways I never imagined. I left feeling inspired, empowered, and connected to a beautiful community of like-minded individuals."


"For someone like me who didn't know where to begin and what practice I resonated more with, this was the class to take. The food was delicious and the silent dinner was emotional but one thing that stood out to me is that it's ok to feel those feelings, your not alone and that's what we are here for to feel things and learn from them, see the positive in life. Thank you so much to Amityville Apothecary for such an amazing experience and a wonderful day with a beautiful community they have created!"


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